Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Valentines Day Coats Mini Photo Shoot

Hello! The past few day have been really busy for my family and I, with Ella's birthday and Valentines day, but somehow my parents managed to get us cool new warm coats for Valentines day!

To show them how much we loved our Valentine's Day coats, we had a mini photo shoot celebrating them!
Here are the photos from the photo shoot- I would say it is only half-way successful.

In a postlude of sorts to Valentines Day, I think that the photo shoot accomplished what we wanted it to accomplish. 

P.S Don't worry, even though we got coats and roses, Abe got a large container of gummy worms. I don't think he envies us at all! 

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentines Day!

Hello! (see title)

Today, to celebrate the day, we're making our mom heart pancakes for breakfast.

Let's congratulate my little sister Ella (who turned eight yesterday) on taking these pictures. I was actually making the pancakes, so I needed Ella to be my "photographer." Eventually she got tired of taking pictures of me, so she went and watched television instead. That's why I only have pictures of the dry ingredients.  Oh, well, the pancakes eventually were made and then we started cutting them out.

First, you need to choose a heart shaped cookie cutter. You could just use a knife, and cut out a heart shape, but you would have to be REALLY good at art, and it would also be time consuming. I used two different sized cookie cutters, because none of our pancakes are alike, and their sizes vary completely.

Then all you do is cut them out and valet! you have heart shaped pancakes.

Because it's Valentines Day, you could put a red rose or something special on top of your pancakes to decorate them, but the only alive plant we have is a baby parsley plant, so I wasn't able to follow my advice.

Even though I'm not able to make the pancake very fancy, I can just put a huge chunk of butter, and a ton of maple syrup, and I think my parents will like them just the same. With a quart of peach iced tea, and pancakes for two, I can be sure that my parents will love this breakfast.

Happy B-Day to Ella!

Hello! I would like to take this oppritunity to proclaim that today is my sister Ella's birthday.  If she were the one telling you, she probably would first tell you that she was turning eight, as age matters almost as much as the presents on one's birthday. Then she would probably tell you about her "fudgy bunny" (or supposed to be called Fudgy Baby) cupcakes.  But as it is I, her older sister, that is posting,  I'm afraid that I won't go into that.

As we all know, birthdays are celabrations of our lives, and each birthday is like a milestone. To celabrate Ella's life, and this day, I decided to use pictures to display her life.  Happy 8th birthday Ella!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

We have...

 Hello! Sorry for the post delay, but my family is in that odd position where we know we are going to move, but the thrill is over and we haven't started packing yet. Also, my mom is wrapping up her retreat, so we haven't had a home cooked meal in ages- I don't think that mac 'n cheese counts. My last excuse, (I promise!) is that we have been doing things that take a lot of time to blog about, and have been left with no time to actually blog.  So now I am taking the time to tell what we have done this week.

We have...
  •  Started making hats for our cousins! There are seventeen cousins in all, so this is difficult, but we are managing it! We have only done four so far, but Sadie and I are doing an average of two per day.   At this rate, it might not take as long as planned!

  • Been shoveling the driveway for a LONG time. WEll, in truth I'm not sure that is was that long, but it probably seemed longer than it was because I accidentally showered right before I went outside. You can guess what happened: my hair froze. I must have been quite a sight!

  • Been coming up with crazy ideas like dressing up our favorite stuffed animals in waterproof doll clothes and putting them in the snow and in trees. You can tell by their faces that they loved it, even if they did get a little wet!

I anticipate a full week of blogging now that mom has promised to start cooking again, Ella has a birthday tomorrow and we have a long weekend next weekend.  So, no more excuses!

Sunday, February 05, 2012

Rocket Science

This weekend, my mom was away and naturally my dad was in charge. So, because he was in charge, we convinced him to take us to Hobby Lobby, and bought launch-able model rockets: something that my mom would never do.

At first, we were going to wait until we were older to get them.  Then we were going to wait until after we moved to get them. But, in the end, my dad got them anyway.

We were going to not build them for a long time and wait to launch them with our cousins in some open area.  But, in the end, we built them this weekend.

I could go on for hours about how we did things that we weren't supposed to do, but to make a long story short, we made a rocket, then we painted the rocket, then we painted every container and flower pot in our house, then we launched the rockets and smelled like explosives for the rest of the day.

We launched the rocket at a nearby park two times. The first time, we used an A engine, and the second time, we used a B engine, which has twice as much fuel, thus power, as an A engine.

My dad explained the previous paragraph to me, along with every other detail of the perfect flight.   Oh joy, I will probably turn into a model rocket geek now.

And the B engine!

"What fun!" We said as we walked into the grocery store smelling like explosives.  People probably thought we were nuts, and we are. But you obviously already knew that.

Saturday, February 04, 2012

Friday, February 03, 2012

News Which You Might Want to Know, But Again, You Might Not Want to Know It

I hope you have heard the phrase before, out of the frying pan and into the fire. Even if you haven't heard of it before, hopefully you will be able to find the deeper meaning of it anyway. I like this phrase, even though I don't really know how this has anything to do with the post what-so-ever, so ponder it in your heart and forget I brought it into this post.

Well, anyway, after weeks of silently struggling, I have finally been allowed to share what  my family has known since January: We are moving to the Netherlands!

Ever since I knew,  I have been constantly asking my parents if I can post it on my blog. They came up with countless excuses, which might be true but are nonetheless annoying, and I have now waited for decades, years, or most truthfully, a month. Tonight, my parents could not come up with a better reason for me to not blog, and so I am!

I don't think that the Netherlands will be this warm and sunny all the time, but I am still looking forward to it!

( I always knew I was born to cycle. . .or not)

Wednesday, February 01, 2012


I really don't hate mornings, I just dislike what I have to do to get into them: wake up. I have started to get up semi-early to try to take pictures of the sunrise, but today there was no sunrise, so I got up early for no apparent reason.

Well, on to the work :~(

First I soothed my disappointments by making hot cocoa. Yes, the hot cocoa was our own homemade hot cocoa which I told you a million times about. Then I started making my lunch, and naturally I started with the dessert. But what dessert was I to choose? Cupcakes? Chocolate Pretzels? Chocolate? 

Just so you know we NEVER have that much sugar in our house, we just had a group over last night and they needed sugar. I selected a cupcake and went back to work.

I'm sorry for this post. I"m sorry that I didn't just post pictures and call it "Wordless Wednesday." I guess that is how I type when I'm sleepy. Well, just to guarantee I don't fall asleep on the keyboard,

