Sunday, February 05, 2012

Rocket Science

This weekend, my mom was away and naturally my dad was in charge. So, because he was in charge, we convinced him to take us to Hobby Lobby, and bought launch-able model rockets: something that my mom would never do.

At first, we were going to wait until we were older to get them.  Then we were going to wait until after we moved to get them. But, in the end, my dad got them anyway.

We were going to not build them for a long time and wait to launch them with our cousins in some open area.  But, in the end, we built them this weekend.

I could go on for hours about how we did things that we weren't supposed to do, but to make a long story short, we made a rocket, then we painted the rocket, then we painted every container and flower pot in our house, then we launched the rockets and smelled like explosives for the rest of the day.

We launched the rocket at a nearby park two times. The first time, we used an A engine, and the second time, we used a B engine, which has twice as much fuel, thus power, as an A engine.

My dad explained the previous paragraph to me, along with every other detail of the perfect flight.   Oh joy, I will probably turn into a model rocket geek now.

And the B engine!

"What fun!" We said as we walked into the grocery store smelling like explosives.  People probably thought we were nuts, and we are. But you obviously already knew that.

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