Thursday, February 28, 2013

The Americans Hit Pear-ee

Let's dissect the title: The Americans Hit Pear-ee 

Well, The Americans, probably has something to do with people who come from America.
And, Hit Pear-ee probably means that the people that come out of Americans violently bludgeon the squealing fruit.

Or, it could mean My Oddball Family Arrives At The Beautiful City of Love.

You can choose.

As an entirely different matter from the title, we are going to Paris this week! Actually, we are leaving on Friday, or tomorrow. I've been to Paris once before, we spent a night there, but this time is going to big. Huge, even. Gargantuan.

To match this spacious trip, my mom has deliberately coached us for weeks now in proper etiquette. Parisian children are known for their perfect manners, and to say in a short, tactful way, we can behave like swine. We've been studiously studying, and we've been scholarly scholars for the past few weeks, which give us the possibly apocryphal hope that we might fit in. (click on the definition of "apocryphal" to get my views on the outcome of the hope)

Anyhow, we are ready to hit Pear-ee and, if there is Wi-Fi in the city, I shall endeavor to keep on posting.

Au Revoir!



  1. Hehehe! I love this post Mia. It is so funny. Enjoy going to Pear-ee! (or should I say, violently bludgeoning the squealing fruit)!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;-);-);-);-);-);-);-)HEHEHEHEHEHEHE! Tu parler francais ? (or something like that)...

    1. While I was in Pear-ee, I felt the void which my lack of enlightenment in the French language has brought about more severely than ever. I think I shall endeavor to procure that nectar of the gods which French is before my next visit.

      (For the reference, I do not speak French. My mom-the French genius- translated your French snippet for me)
