Friday, April 06, 2012

Three Thoughts of Today

1. Update: 17 days till move

2.  Easter is coming so soon! Tomorrow, we are going to our grandparents' house, so we will see all our cousins! On a biblical note, I am thrilled that we are able to celebrate our savior's resurrection- the thing which enabled us to have eternal life. But, on a very different note, I am really hoping the Easter bunny will bring me a pair of simple, small, silver hoop earrings, or just a pair of earrings.

3. As I went outside, forgetting the fact that I was nearly dying from the results of the high pollen rates, I took photo after photo of a certain pooch. I can't believed how much Barnabas has changed! At first he looked like a cute little puppy, and his chubby-ness was considered "puppy fat." Then, as he grew into a handsome adult, it could not be avoided that he was getting...fat. Then, we played with him out side everyday, and we also started taking him on daily walks, feeding him less food, and generally encouraging him to do more than sleep and eat.

Now, he looks muscular, and less like a sluggard. Even though Barnabas is no longer my puppy, he still will always be my faithful, caring friend.

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